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Bangkit Palestina

In collaboration with AROC (Arab Resource Organizing Center), Bangkit/Arise Indonesian artists completed a memorial mural in honour of the 199 (to date) Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of 2018, the year that marks the anniversary of The Great March of Return protests began on March 30, 2018.

Bangkit/Arise stands in solidarity with Palestinians for peace, justice, and the right of return and claim to their land. The quote on the mural is taken from the speech given by Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno on April 18, 1955, at the Bandung Conference with 29 African and Asian countries in attendance, be written as: Let us remember that the stature of all humankind is diminished so long as nations or parts of nations are still unfree.


This mural is sited in Clarion Alley, a small street in San Francisco, notable for its socially/politically-engaged murals managed by the Clarion Alley Mural Project.


Bangkit Palestina: Text
Bangkit Palestina: Selected Work

©2020 by Vina Puspita

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